It's no secret - fitness training has been proven to prevent disease, strengthen your health and improve your confidence and outlook on life. As a certified fitness trainer, I'm deeply trained in everything from muscle mechanics to flexibility and cardiovascular dynamics. So if you want to live a stronger and more confident life, I've got the training and the expertise to help you every step of the way.
Equipped with the knowledge of how the body gains and loses weight and how to estimate caloric expenditure versus caloric needs, Weight Management Specialists are able to help their clients reach their goals and establish healthier habits. ISSA Weight Management Specialists are prepared to educate and transform all types of clients.
When most individuals think about the sport of bodybuilding, images of big, dumb guys grunting and throwing weight around are often conjured up. This could not be further from the truth! Serious bodybuilders are part athlete, part scientist, and part artist. As a specialist in this area, I can provide training, recovery, motivational, and nutritional strategies to help you achieve maximal muscle growth and optimize physical appearance.
You read that right! Training the glutes is a thing and, yes, it's important for an overall physical look, but there are additional reasons to train your glutes on a regular basis. Enter the Certified Glute Specialist!. A Glute Specialist is well-versed in the musculature of the glutes and the lumbopelvic hip complex (LPHC). The LPHC has a large role in the activation of the glutes and the muscles of the LPHC work to stabilize the hips, low back, and glutes. It also serves as the transition from the upper body to the lower body and is sometimes called the core. A Glute Specialist takes this information and uses it to create glute-focused training programs that focus on activating and strengthening the glutes. Glute training exercises focus on the glutes, but they can have the added benefit of reducing back pain, reducing knee and sciatic nerve pain, improving athletic performance and general agility, and giving someone the aesthetic of a nicer bottom. There are many exercises that a glute specialist learns that target the glutes specifically as well as the surrounding muscles like the quadriceps and hamstrings.
Describe your certification here
The ISSA Elite Trainer credential is awarded to accomplished ISSA Certified Trainers who have proven their competence in personal training and developed expertise in two additional areas of specialization. With scientific backing and practical application in the areas clients need help with the most, this credential proves that extensive education equals results.